We have changed our bank account

As of the 2nd April 2024, you will see a change on our invoices to show a different bank account to the one you have become accustomed to using when paying premiums to us. This is because our banking arrangements have changed from Metro to NatWest.

Whilst it is understood that cyber criminals will often try to encourage payments to be made to alternative bank accounts, we would encourage you to verify this change with our colleagues by using your usual means of contacting our firm.

All of our clients will receive a personalised communication to confirm the details of our new account.

In the event that you have made payments recently or have already made a payment that may be on its way to us, this is not a problem as the Metro banking facilities will not be completely closed for a few weeks, in order to ensure that payments are received and managed accordingly, and your insurance cover is maintained.

Please could we ask that you advise your accounts team of this change as soon as possible.

If you do have any questions or queries, we would only be too happy to answer them but again, we would encourage you to use your usual means of contacting our firm to allow us to answer such queries.

MasonOwen-red (002)
For more information call 0151 255 2600 or email mail@mofs.co.uk